
Rendering Templates

Caribou comes with a built-in template rendering system called antlers. When a defined page specifies a :template key, then at render time it will search for the given template in the resources/templates directory of your project. If found, it will render that template by substituting in values from the map given to render. In this way, the map given to render provides an environment of bindings accessible from inside the template.

The simplest usage of render passes the request in directly, so that any value in the request is accessible in the template:

(defn some-action
  ( request))

In this case the controller is doing nothing but passing the request map it received on to the template to be rendered. Any key in this map can be accessed from inside a template like so:

    Hello template argument :tundra -- {{tundra}}

Now if the request map contains the value "Arctic" under the key :tundra, this will render as:

    Hello template argument :tundra -- Arctic

If the map is nested, successive maps can be accessed through the '.' pattern. So if this is the template:

    Hello nested template argument -- {{tundra.denizens}} !

And it is given a map like this:

{:tundra {:denizens "Caribou"}}

Then the template will render out like this:

    Hello nested template argument -- Caribou !

Using Loops with Sequences from the Render Map

Any sequence of items (list or vector) in the render map can be looped over inside a template.

(defn find-lakes
  (let [lakes (model/gather :lake)]
    (render (assoc request :lakes lakes))))

;; now the request map looks something like this:
{:lakes [{:name "Huron"}
         {:name "Erie"}
         {:name "Crater"}]}

Traversing a loop is simple. In the "lake" template:


This would render as:


But what if we want the last one to be emphasized? This works:


Other loop variables include:

loop.first       -->  true/false
loop.last        -->  true/false
loop.item        -->  the current item in the loop
loop.index       -->  the current index   -->  one-based index (useful for things)
loop.count       -->  total count of items in this list
loop.outer       -->  a reference to any loop variables from an outer loop.
                         outer can also have an outer, ad infinitum.

Template Helpers

Template helpers are simply functions which live in the render map. They are easy to invoke, and accept arguments which can be literals or other values from the render map:

(defn some-action
   (assoc request :excite (fn [s] (str s "!")))))

Then in the template:

    {{excite "yellow"}}  -->   yellow!

Or with a value from the same map:

(defn some-action
   (assoc request
     :antler "Velvet"
     :excite (fn [s] (str s "!")))))
    {{excite antler}}  -->   Velvet!

Existing Helpers

There are many helpers Caribou provides by default, but the two most important are route-for and resize. These are explained here.

  • route-for

route-for is a way to generate a url based on a key and some parameters. Thisis a helpful alternative to simply hard-coding urls throughout your templates, since it means that you are free to change your routes at will and all of the urls in your templates will immediately reflect this.

route-for takes the key for a route and a map of params to be substituted into the variable parts of the route. So say you have a route defined like this:

["/place/:where" :somewhere []]

Then you need to link to this route in a template somewhere. To generate the url using route-for, in your template:

    <a href="{{route-for :somewhere {:where "yellow"} }}">somewhere yellow</a>

This will produce:

    <a href="/place/yellow">somewhere yellow</a>

Of course, the value of the params can also be a value in the request map. So if you want the url to depend on the value of :where in the render map, simply refer to that in your params map:

    <a href="{{route-for :somewhere {:where where} }}">somewhere {{where}}</a>

Then if you pass in a map to render like this:

{:where "pink"}

Your template will render out as:

    <a href="/place/pink">somewhere pink</a>
  • resize

resize takes existing images and resizes them to dimensions given by :widthand :height parameters. If only :width or only :height is supplied, it scales the image to maintain the aspect ratio of the original image. There is also a :quality option that governs the image quality of the resized image.

The first argument to resize is an image map, which can be obtained from a model containing an "asset" field. So if you have a Slide model with an "image" field of type "asset", the resize call would work like the following.

In the controller:

(defn display-slide
  (let [slide (model/pick :slide {:where {:slug (-> request :params :slide)}})]
    (render (assoc request :slide slide))))

To render the image at the original size:

    <img src="/{{slide.image.path}}" />

To resize it to have a width of 500:

    <img src="{{resize slide.image {:width 500} }}" />

Or a height of 200 with a quality of 0.7:

    <img src="{{resize slide.image {:height 200 :quality 0.7} }}" />

You get the idea.

Templates can Inherit Structure from other Templates

Sometimes you have a set of templates that all share a common markup layout, and really only differ in one content block somewhere in the middle. This is what template inheritance is for, which is provided in antlers in the form of blocks.

To declare a block, use the {{%...}} syntax, as in the following example.

Suppose you have a file "layout.html" which looks something like this:


But you would like to have other bodies, like BODY OF MODULARITY, without replicating HEADER and FOOTER over and over again. Here is the perfect use case for a block:


Then, in another file "modular.html" can be the content:

    {{< templates/layout.html}}
    {{%body}}BODY OF MODULARITY{{/body}}

Which, when called with (antlers/render-file "modular.html" {}) yields:


Now, you can have another file called "alternate" which can have totally different contents for the body block. You only need to specify the changes in the blocks, not the rest of the file:

    {{< layout.html}}
    {{%body}}This is a more conversational body for the same layout template{{/body}}

Which yields when rendering "alternate":

      This is a more conversational body for the same layout template

In this way you can reuse layouts repeatedly and only need to specify what is different.

Swapping out the template engine

There is nothing binding you to using Antlers as your template rendering engine. In fact, any render function can be used if it of the right form. A render function takes two arguments: a template to be rendered and the map representing the values available to the template. Any function of this form can be passed in under the key :render-fn during render time and it will be used in place of the built in rendering engine.

(defn custom-render
  [template environment]
  (let [template-contents (read-template-somehow template)]
    (substitute-values-somehow template-contents environment)))

(defn some-action
  ( (assoc request :render-fn custom-render)))

You may even want to define your own render if you are using the same :render-fn over and over again:

(defn render
  ( (assoc request :render-fn custom-render)))
(defn some-other-action
  (render request))