
Creating and Updating Content

As detailed before at the end of Creating Models, once a model has been created, new content can be created according to that model.

 {:name "Presentation"
  :fields [{:name "Title" :type "string"}
           {:name "Preview" :type "asset"}]}))

(def caribou-presentation
   {:title "Caribou!"
    :preview {:source "path/to/preview/image.png"}})))

The first call to caribou.model/create creates the Presentation model, and the second creates new Presentation content. Notice the fields defined during model creation are available during content creation time. Next, let's create a new Slide model and associate it to Presentation:

 {:name "Slide"
  :fields [{:name "Image" :type "asset"}
           {:name "Caption" :type "string"}
           {:name "Presentation" :type "part"
            :target-id (caribou.config/draw :models :presentation :id)}]}))

The key here is that we made a new field called "Presentation" of type "part". In order to associate this new field to the Presentation model, we need the id of the Presentation model, which lives inside the current Caribou config. It can be accessed using the caribou.config/draw method, which indexes anywhere inside the currently applied configuration map. In this case, we need only the :id, which is passed in as the new association field's :target-id.

Since the new "Presentation" field inside the Slide model is of type "part", a reciprocal "collection" association is automatically created inside of the Presentation model. Now, Slides can be created and associated to Presentations:

(def first-slide
   {:caption "Welcome to Caribou!"
    :image {:source "welcome/to/caribou.jpg"}
    :presentation caribou-presentation})))

Since Presentation has a collection of Slides, you can also create Slides in the context of a given Presentation using caribou.model/update:

 (:id caribou-presentation)
 {:title "Caribou Redux!"
  :slides [{:caption "Explaining Caribou Models"
            :image {:source "explaining/caribou/models.jpg"}}
           {:caption "How to Update a Caribou Model"
            :image {:source "updating/caribou/models.jpg"}}]}))

This creates two new Slides and associates them to the given presentation. A couple things to note about this update:

  • caribou.model/update requires an additional parameter which is the :id of the preexisting content item you wish to update. This is automatically generated when a content item is first created, so is present in the map that is returned from the original call to caribou.model/create that created that content item (above this was stored under the var caribou-presentation).
  • To add items into the collection, we provide a vector of maps under the :slides key in the update. This works just as well for create. Each map in the collection vector will be created and associated to the given object. In fact, this is how we created the model originally, since :fields is a collection that lives in the Model model. If one of these maps contains an :id, it will find the associated item with the given id and update it rather than creating a new one.

Retrieving Content

Once models and content have been created, the ideal thing would be to be able to retrieve it again! This capability is provided by the caribou.model/gather and caribou.model/pick functions.

To retrieve all Presentations in the system, we just gather them:

(def all-presentations
  (caribou.model/gather :presentation))
--> [{:id 1 :title "Caribou Redux!" :preview {...} ...}] ;; a lot of information not shown here

caribou.model/pick is just like gather, except it only returns a single item:

(def first-presentation
  (caribou.model/pick :presentation))

--> {:id 1 :title "Caribou Redux!" :preview {...} ...}

Without arguments, pick will return the first item, and gather will return all items. To refine our results, an options map can be passed in as the second argument:

(def all-presentations
   {:where {:title "Caribou Redux!"}}))
--> [{:id 1 :title "Caribou Redux!" :preview {...} ...}]

This map presents one of the features of a gather map, :where. The full list is:

  • :where -- present conditions which narrow and refine the results.
  • :include -- fetch associated content along with the primary results.
  • :order -- order the gathered results based on given criteria.
  • :limit -- limit primary results to a certain number.
  • :offset -- index into results by the given offset.

Let's take a look at these one by one.


One of the great sources of power for the gather call is that the :where map can express conditions across associations:

(def redux-slides
   {:where {:presentation {:title "Caribou Redux!"}}}))
--> [{:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" ...}
     {:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" ...} 
     {:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" ...}]

The point here is that we are gathering slides based on a condition that exists on the associated Presentation item. This is cool.

You can also have parallel conditions. This acts like a logical "AND":

(def redux-slides-with-id-greater-than-or-equal-to-two
   {:where {:presentation {:title "Caribou Redux!"}
            :id {:>= 2}}}))
--> [{:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" ...}
     {:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" ...}]

There are also means to express more complex logical queries. These are available as the 'and, 'or and 'not symbols inside a where map:

(def redux-slides-with-id-not-equal-to-two
   {:where {'and [{:presentation {:title "Caribou Redux!"}}
                  {'not {:id 2}}]}}))
--> [{:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" ...}
     {:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" ...}]

Notice the 'and operator takes a vector of subsequent conditions. These conditions take the same form as a regular where map and can be nested recursively to provide arbitrarily complex logical predicates. 'or works the same way:

(def redux-slides-welcome-or-id-of-two
   {:where {'and [{:presentation {:title "Caribou Redux!"}}
                  {'or [{:caption "Welcome to Caribou!"}
                        {:id 2}]}]}}))
--> [{:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" ...}
     {:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" ...}]

The other where condition facility available is the ability to do "IN" queries. This is accomplished by providing a vector of values for a given field rather than just a single value:

(def redux-slides-id-in
   {:where {:id [2 3]}}))
--> [{:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" ...}
     {:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" ...}]


One thing you will notice right away when gathering content is that though associations exist, associated items do not come through the regular caribou.model/gather call by default. This is what the :include map is for. The :include map defines a nested set of association field names that trigger the retrieval of associated content.

(def redux-and-slides
   {:where {:title "Caribou Redux!"}
    :include {:slides {}}}))
--> {:id 1 
     :title "Caribou Redux!" 
     :preview {...}
     :slides [{:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" ...}
              {:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" ...} 
              {:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" ...}]}

The :include map can travel arbitrarily deep along the model association graph, so if Slide had a collection of another model, say "Paragraphs", then you could retrieve those as well with another level of the :include map:

(def redux-slides-and-paragraphs
   {:where {:title "Caribou Redux!"}
    :include {:slides {:paragraphs {}}}}))
--> {:id 1 
     :title "Caribou Redux!" 
     :preview {...}
     :slides [{:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" :paragraphs [...] ...}
              {:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" :paragraphs [...] ...} 
              {:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" :paragraphs [...] ...}]}

You can also perform parallel includes, so if a Presentation also had an association to an existing "Person" model called "Authors", you could retrieve the Presentation, all its Slides and their Paragraphs, and the Authors of the Presentation all in one gather call:

(def redux-authors-and-slide-paragraphs
   {:where {:title "Caribou Redux!"}
    :include {:authors {}
              :slides {:paragraphs {}}}}))
--> {:id 1 
     :title "Caribou Redux!" 
     :preview {...}
     :authors [{:name "Donner"} {:name "Blitzen"} ...]
     :slides [{:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" :paragraphs [...] ...}
              {:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" :paragraphs [...] ...} 
              {:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" :paragraphs [...] ...}]}

Obviously this can get out of control, and it wouldn't be hard to pull in every content item in the site in a single call. Any single gather call can be broken into individual gathers that fetch the content when needed.


The :order map is used to control the order of the returned items. By default, content is ordered based on that model's :position field, but any order can be used. Here is an example of ordering by :updated-at:

(def redux-slides-ordered-by-updated-at
   {:where {:presentation {:title "Caribou Redux!"}}
    :order {:updated-at :desc}}))
--> [{:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:35.883000000-00:00" ...}
     {:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:34.883000000-00:00" ...} 
     {:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:33.883000000-00:00" ...}]

The value for the property being ordered can be either :asc or :desc, representing ascending or descending respectively.

The :order map, like the :where and :include map, can propagate across associations, and order across many properties simultaneously:

(def redux-slides-parallel-ordering
   {:order {:updated-at :desc
            :id :asc
            :presentation {:title :desc}}}))
--> [{:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:35.883000000-00:00" ...}
     {:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:34.883000000-00:00" ...}
     {:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:34.883000000-00:00" ...}]


The :limit option specifies a maximum number of items to retrieve, in the case that there are more items than you wish to handle at any given time:

(def redux-slides-limited
   {:order {:updated-at :desc
            :id :asc
            :presentation {:title :desc}}
    :limit 2}))
--> [{:id 3 :caption "How to Update a Caribou Model" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:35.883000000-00:00" ...}
     {:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:34.883000000-00:00" ...}]

One thing to note: only the outermost model is limited. Any items included across associations will not be limited. Keep this in mind if you have items with a large number of associated items in a collection or link. In that case it is better to not include the content directly, but rather to make an additional gather on associated items once the outer item is retrieved:

(let [presentation   (caribou.model/pick
                      {:where {:title "Caribou Redux!"}})
      limited-slides (caribou.model/gather
                      {:where {:presentation {:id (:id presentation)}}
                       :limit 2})]
  (assoc presentation :slides limited-slides))


:offset is used in conjunction with :limit. It finds subsequent sets of content given whatever would be returned from the gather normally, but has been excluded through the use of a :limit.

(def redux-slides-limited-and-offset
   {:order {:updated-at :desc
            :id :asc
            :presentation {:title :desc}}
    :limit 2
    :offset 1}))
--> [{:id 1 :caption "Welcome to Caribou!" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:34.883000000-00:00" ...}
     {:id 2 :caption "Explaining Caribou Models" :updated-at #inst "2013-06-21T22:37:34.883000000-00:00" ...}]

This can be used to implement pagination, for example.


You can ask for the query to return only certain given fields available in a model. This is helpful if you just need certain information from a model rather than every value that lives in that row:

(def redux-slides-limited-and-offset-only-id
   {:order {:updated-at :desc
            :id :asc
            :presentation {:title :desc}}
    :limit 2
    :offset 1
    :fields [:id]}))

--> [{:id 1} {:id 2}]

You can even specify fields from included associations using this method:

(def redux-authors-and-slides-limit-fields
   {:where {:title "Caribou Redux!"}
    :fields [:title {:slides [:caption] :authors [:name]}]
    :include {:authors {}
              :slides {}}}))
--> {:id 1 
     :title "Caribou Redux!" 
     :preview {...}
     :authors [{:name "Donner"} {:name "Blitzen"} ...]
     :slides [{:caption "Welcome to Caribou!"}
              {:caption "Explaining Caribou Models"} 
              {:caption "How to Update a Caribou Model"}]}