
Introduction to Data Modeling

Defining models for an application is the heart of a Caribou project. Once a model is created a host of capabilities are automatically generated for that newly created model. This section details the means for creating new models and expanding on existing models.

Creating Models

Creating a model is just like creating any other content in a Caribou project. The first step is to acquire a configuration map, which is detailed in the How Configuration Works in Caribou section.

Assuming a configuration exists and it is called config, a model can be created from the repl with the following call:

(caribou.core/with-caribou config 
   {:name "Presentation"
    :fields [{:name "Title" :type "string"}
             {:name "Preview" :type "asset"}]}))

Some things to note about this code:

  • The first line calls caribou.core/with-caribou with an existing configuration map. This configuration map among other things contains information about the database connection. Since this call is creating a new model, this will actually generate a new table for that model inside whatever database is referred to by the given configuration map under its :database key. This means of configuration means that you can create models in different databases just by swapping out the configuration map. For clarity, from here on out we will assume the config map is provided.
  • The next line calls the fundamental function caribou.model/create. Thiscall is used to create any content inside of a Caribou project, and corresponds to inserting a new row in the database given by the configuration map.
  • The next line contains only the key :model, and signifies that we arecreating a model, as opposed to any other content type currently known to the system. Once a model is created (in this case the Presentation model), content of that variety can be created using the same call, but swapping out the key here (which for the case of Presentations, would be :presentation). If a call to caribou.model/create is made with a key that does not represent a current model known to the system this will throw an exception.
  • Next comes a map of properties that define the model being created. This listof properties has a key for each Field in the Model model. Given a different model, the available keys in this map would be different.
  • Ultimately, the definition of a model really depends on the fields in thatmodel. In this case, two custom fields are created for the Presentation model, a Title of type "string", and a Preview of type "asset". Once this model exists, new Presentations can be created that have titles and previews in the same manner:
 {:title "Caribou!"
  :preview {:source "path/to/preview/image.png"}}))

In this way, creating a model allows new kinds of content to be created. Everything else in Caribou flows from this basic idea.

Field Types

There are a number of different field type models can have. Here is a summary:

  • address - Store a location as a set of fields or lat/lng pairs.
  • asset - Represents any kind of file, including images.
  • boolean - Represent a single true/false value.
  • decimal - Store a single decimal value of arbitrary precision.
  • enum - Represent a finite set of possible values.
  • integer - A single number with no decimal digits.
  • password - Store an encrypted value that can be matched but not read.
  • position - A value that automatically increments when new content is added.
  • slug - A string that depends on some other string field for its value, and reformats that string according to the field configuration.
  • string - The workhorse. Represents a single short string.
  • structure - Stores arbitrary clojure data structures in EDN format.
  • text - Used to store arbitrarily long text.
  • timestamp - Represents dates and times of all varieties.


Beyond the simple field types, much of the richness of a Caribou model structure lies in the associations that are created between models in the system. Model and Field have this relationship, where Model has a "collection" of Fields and Fields are a "part" of Model. This provides a one to many relationship between the Model model and the Field model.

Every association in Caribou is represented by a field in the corresponding models, which means that there is an association field in each model representing the two sides of the association. This means each association type has a reciprocal type, and that every association has one and only one reciprocal association field that lives in another model somewhere.

The different types of associations available in Caribou are:

  • collection - This association field type represents a collection of things, meaning there are potentially many pieces of content associated to any content of this model type. The reciprocal type of association is the "part". This is the classic many-to-one relationship.
  • part - The reciprocal to "collection", this means that any content of this model type will potentially belong to content of the model that it is a "part" of. Each item can only be a part of one collection of that variety, but it can be a part of many different kinds of collections. Each collection maintains an independent set of parts.
  • link - The link association type is its own reciprocal, and represents a many to many relationship to another model. This behaves just like a collection except that the associated content can have many associations as well.

Default Model Fields

There are a number of default fields that are added to a model automatically. These play various roles in managing the content internally, and also provide some handy features that all content is likely to need. These fields are:

  • :id -- The :id represents a unique integer identifier that is used throughout Caribou. Every content item in Caribou is given an :id, and all content can be retrieved based on its model type and its :id. This is also the mechanism under the scenes that tracks how different items are associated to one another. :id always increments starting from 1, so every item obtains a unique :id within its model table.
  • :position -- The :position field allows content to be ordered in an arbitrary fasion. Without the :position field we would be stuck retrieving content only by name, or id or title or something. :position allows people to order content exactly how it should appear. Without outside intervention, :position increments automatically starting from 1, just like :id. :position however can change, whereas once an :id is acquired it is invariant for the lifetime of the application.
  • :locked -- This boolean field, if true, prevents the given content item from being modified by a caribou.model/update call. This is handy to protect the built in model fields from arbitrary changes which could undermine the very functioning of Caribou itself. That is not to say built in models are unchangeable: new fields can be added to any model. But someone cannot remove the "Name" field from a model, for instance. Caribou needs this field to run. Probably you will not need to set this field yourself, but you could have a vital content item that plays a similar role in the application as a whole, in which case setting it to locked will safeguard that content from changing out from under you.
  • :created-at -- This is a timestamp that is set automatically when a piece of content is created. This way you always know when something was created!
  • :updated-at -- This is another timestamp, but it gets set every time something is updated. Can be useful to order by this if you always want the most recent content (or least recent!)